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img1409 Atomové skořápky: Pokus: Line Spectra, dodatek

Pokus: Line Spectra, dodatek

Katalogové číslo: 8000707
Dostupnost: Termín dodání ZDE
Hmotnost: 5 Kg
Popis Objective: Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for hydrogen other line spectra in the visible region

The line spectra of light-emitting atoms are uniquely characteristic for each specific chemical element, although they become increasingly complex for elements with higher atomic numbers. By contrast, that part of the line spectrum of hydrogen atoms that lies within the visible region can be explained simply on the basis of the Bohr model of the atom.

Dodatečně potřebné:
8000706 Experiment: Lineární spektra (230 V, 50/60 Hz), základní vybavení

