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Atomové skořápky
Pokus: Critical Potentials (230 V, 50/60 Hz), Basic...
Kat.č.: 8000716
Objective: Record and evaluate the Franck-Hertz curve for neon and...
Pokus: Experiment Franck-Hertze pro neon (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
Kat.č.: 8000714
Objective: Record and evaluate the Franck-Hertz curve for neon and...
Pokus: Experiment Franck-Hertze pro Mercury (230 V, 50/60...
Kat.č.: 8000712
Delivery scope
Objective: Record and evaluate the...
Pokus: Line Spectra, Supplement
Kat.č.: 8000710
Objective: Carry out high-precision measurements of absorption and...
Pokus: Lineární spektra (230 V, 50/60 Hz), základní vybavení
Kat.č.: 8000709
Objective: Carry out high-precision measurements of absorption and...
Pokus: Line Spectra, dodatek
Kat.č.: 8000707
Objective: Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for...
Experiment: Lineární spektra (230 V, 50/60 Hz), základní...
Kat.č.: 8000706
Objective: Record and interpret the Balmer series of lines for...