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Anatomical models
Results 871 - 885 of 1892
Skeleton of the Arm with Shoulder Girdle
Cat.n.: AM150-0344
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Mounted and movable.
6 776,00 CZK
Vertebral Column
Cat.n.: AM150-0345
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Consisting of...
10 829,50 CZK
Skeleton of Male Pelvis
Cat.n.: AM150-0347
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Consisting of the two...
4 924,70 CZK
Cat.n.: AM150-0351
Verrebre cervicali, vertebre toraciche o lombari, a scelta. In...
580,80 CZK
First and Second Cervical Vertebrae
Cat.n.: AM150-0352
Atlante ed epistrofeo, montate in modo da poter riprodurre il...
931,70 CZK
Collection of Vertebrae
Cat.n.: AM150-0353
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Atlas, axis, cervical,...
2 274,80 CZK
Rib Alternatively 1. - 12. rib.
Cat.n.: AM150-0355
Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. Alternatively 1. - 12....
617,10 CZK