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Results 1 - 15 of 24
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3B MICROanatomy™ Bone structure - 80 times enlarged

Cat.n.: AM110-0141
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
4 247,10 CZK

3B MICROanatomy Human Muscle Fiber Model, 10,000 times...

Cat.n.: AM110-0194
This micro-anatomy model magnifies the anatomy of the human muscle...
7 792,40 CZK

Myelin Sheaths of the CNS

Cat.n.: AM110-0215
This myelin sheath model shows the glial cells which build the...
4 464,90 CZK

3B MICROanatomy™ Eye - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0239
The MICROanatomy Eye model illustrates the microscopic anatomical...
7 889,20 CZK

3B MICROanatomy Kidney Model - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0274
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
3 944,60 CZK

3B MICROanatomy Digestive System Model, 20-times Magnified...

Cat.n.: AM110-0284
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
8 155,40 CZK

3B MICROanatomy™ Liver - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0285
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
8 155,40 CZK

3B MICROanatomy™ Tongue - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0573
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
7 744,00 CZK

Hypertension Set

Cat.n.: AM110-0844
The Hypertension Set includes a miniature brain, eye, heart, kidney...
6 812,30 CZK

Metabolic Syndrome Model

Cat.n.: AM110-0847
The Metabolic Syndrome Model includes miniature brain, heart, kidney,...
7 647,20 CZK

Sympathetic Nervous System

Cat.n.: AM150-0069
About 2/3 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Relief presentation of the...
70 833,40 CZK


Cat.n.: AM150-0078
Enlarged approx. 2500 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Consisting of nerve...
19 650,40 CZK


Cat.n.: AM150-0079
Enlarged approx. 2500 times, in SOMSO-Plast®, with regard to...
12 378,30 CZK

Model of a Synapse

Cat.n.: AM150-0080
Many times enlarged, in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Gross, Head of...
13 806,10 CZK

Transversely Striated Muscular Fibre with Motor End-Plate

Cat.n.: AM150-0081
Enlarged approx. 4000 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Modelled from recent...
25 289,00 CZK
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