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img188 Microanatomy: 3B MICROanatomy Kidney Model - 3B Smart Anatomy

3B MICROanatomy Kidney Model - 3B Smart Anatomy

Catalog number: AM110-0274
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 1.5 Kg
Price incl. VAT3 944,60 CZK
Description To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B Smart Anatomy model online. All 3B Smart Anatomy features are completely free of charge for you. Read more about the concept of "Virtual meets Reality" developed by 3B Scientific for you to make learning human anatomy even more effective across all media.

The 3B MICROanatomy™ Kidney is an extremely detailed model which shows the morphologic/functional units of the kidney. The kidney structures are greatly magnified. Six model zones illustrate the following fine-tissue structures of the human kidney that serve in the production of urine:

Longitudinal section of a kidney

Section of renal cortex and renal medulla of the kidney

Wedge-shaped section of a kidney lobe with a diagrammatic depiction of three nephrons with Henle’s loops of different lengths and diagrammatic depiction of the vascular supply

Diagrammatic illustration of a kidney nephron with a short Henle’s loop and didactic/diagrammatic illustration of the vascular supply

Diagrammatic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle with nephron and light-microscopic transverse sections of the proximal, attenuated and distal segments of a renal tubule

Diagrammatic/didactic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle

3B MICROanatomy™ Kidney mounted on a base.
