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img2110 Digestive system: Kidney Section with Renal Nephron and Renal Corpuscle

Kidney Section with Renal Nephron and Renal Corpuscle

Catalog number: EM270- K111
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 4.5 Kg
Price incl. VAT8 349,00 CZK
Description This 3 models set shows the basic structure of the kidney. We can find as a first model a frontal section of the kidney, enlarged 3 times, illustrates adrenal gland, cortex, medulla, pyramids with papillae, renal pelvis and blood vessels. The second model, representing a nephron enlarged
120 times, shows renal tubules, a collecting tube system and Henle‘s loop. The third one illustrates Malpighian corpuscle with the Bowman‘s capsule, 700 times life size. All these models are a great instrument to understand the kidney anatomy in all the inner details. The three models are
mounted on board.
Size: 70 x 29 x 12 cm, Weight: 4.1 kg
