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Ear, Nose, Larynx

Results 61 - 71 of 71
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Child's Ear Model

Cat.n.: AM110-0806
This oversized child’s ear model illustrates: semi-circular canals...
3 920,40 CZK

Child Ear

Cat.n.: EM270-E25
One and one half times the size of a Child‘s Ear. Illustrating...

Cavities of Nose, Mouth and Throat with Larynx

Cat.n.: AM150-0659
Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Upper part: left side...

Cartilages of the Larynx

Cat.n.: AM150-0143
Functional model, enlarged approximately 2.5 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®....
11 337,70 CZK


Cat.n.: EM270-G430
A model of the terminal bronchiole system of the lungs. Greatly...
1 996,50 CZK

Auditory Ossicles, 3 times life size

Cat.n.: EM270-E338
Hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapes) in three times...
1 234,20 CZK

Artificial Bony Labyrinth

Cat.n.: AM150-0430
Cast from natural specimen 1:1, in SOMSO-Plast®. The labyrinth is...
3 291,20 CZK

Acupuncture Ears, Set for 10 Students

Cat.n.: AM110-0347
These original-sized replicas of the human auricula (ear concha)...

3B Acupuncture Ear, right

Cat.n.: AM110-0498R
These slightly larger than life-size replicas of the human auricula...

3B Acupuncture Ear, left

Cat.n.: AM110-0498L
These slightly larger than life-size replicas of the human auricula...

2 Acupuncture Ears

Cat.n.: AM110-0345
These slightly larger than life-size replicas of the human auricula...
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