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Human skeleton
Results 1 - 15 of 213
Hand/Wrist Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Model
Cat.n.: 1019519
The Hand/Wrist Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Model is a full size solid cast...
Rheumatoid Arthritis Hand Model
Cat.n.: 1019521
The Rheumatoid Arthritis Hand Model (RA) is a full size right hand...
Foot/Ankle - Plantar Fasciitis Model
Cat.n.: 1019522
The Foot/Ankle - Plantar Fasciitis Model is a full size solid cast of...
ORTHObones Standard Juvenile Femur, right
Cat.n.: AM110-0851
In addition to the well-known ORTHObones PREMIUM, the high-quality...
Anatomy Set Hand & Foot
Cat.n.: 8000839
Hand: The bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, arteries, and...
Artificial Human Skeleton, Male
Cat.n.: AM150-0325
Male, modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Lifelike...
Artificial Human Skeleton, Male
Cat.n.: AM150-0332
Male, modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Lifelike...
Artificial Human Skeleton, male
Cat.n.: AM150-0326
Male, modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Lifelike...
Unmounted Human Skeleton, female
Cat.n.: AM150-0732
ast from natural specimen, in SOMSO-Plast®. With the exception of the...
Artificial Bauchene Skull of an Adult
Cat.n.: AM150-0320
Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast®. Comprises 22 parts. Unmounted in a...
Cat.n.: AM150-0357
(Discus Intervertebralis) Choose from cervical, thoracic or lumbar...
459,80 CZK
Human Fibula Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0073
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
544,50 CZK