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img112 Muscles, human muscle figure: Life-Size Dual Sex Asian Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part - 3B Smart Anatomy

Life-Size Dual Sex Asian Human Figure, Half Side with Muscles, 39 part - 3B Smart Anatomy

Catalog number: AM110-0189
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 31 Kg
Price incl. VAT222 204,40 CZK
Description This life-size, high-quality muscular figure represents a wide variety of human anatomical structures in most accurate detail. The muscular figure is therefore especially suitable for the high demands of medical school. The right half of the muscle model shows the skin, the left half the superficial and more profound muscles with nerves, vessels and bony structures. The versatility of this muscle figure, which is also aesthetically designed, is rounded off by the accurate representation of the internal organs. The components of the muscle figure are:
2-part head
Brain half
Sternocleidomastoideus muscle
6-part muscle arm (detachable: deltoid muscle, biceps muscle of arm, triceps muscle of arm, long palmar muscle with radial flexor muscle of wrist, brachioradial muscle with radial extensor muscle of wrist)
5-part upper leg (detachable: sartorius muscle, gluteus maximus muscle, rectus femoris muscle, long head of biceps femoris muscle with semitendinous muscle)
2-part lower leg (detachable: gastrocnemius muscle)
Chest/abdominal wall with detachable mammary gland
Torso body with skin arm and leg
2 lung halves
2-part heart
Liver with gall bladder
2-part stomach
Half kidney
4-part intestine set
3-part female genital insert with embryo
4-part male genital insert
Muscle figure supplied with wooden roller base and assembly instructions in E/G/F/S/P/J.
Every original 3B Scientific® Anatomy Model gives you direct access to its digital twin on your smartphone, tablet or desktop device.

Enjoy using the exclusive virtual anatomy content with the following features:

Freely rotate your digital model and zoom in and out
Display hotspots and their anatomical structures
Augmented Reality (AR) feature starts your virtual anatomy model
Anatomy Quiz function to test and improve your anatomical knowledge with instant results and final score evaluation
Drawing function that allows image customization with save and share function
Useful Notes function to help you with your personal learning
Possibility to learn both male and female anatomy
Easy access to 3D content both online and offline
Available in 11 languages
