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Results 121 - 128 of 128
Trauma Randy Flash Moulage Overlay
Cat.n.: RA120-0511
Trauma Randy Upgrade Flash Moulage Overlay
This cost-effective,...
57 777,50 CZK
Trauma Manikin Moulage Kit
Cat.n.: RB120-0556A
Can be used with any Rescue manikin, the WMD/CBRNE/DECON Full-Body...
32 670,00 CZK
Moulage Movie DVD
Cat.n.: RB120-0773
This DVD explains the use and application of every portion of the...
Cat.n.: RB120-0996
The Xtreme Trauma Moulage Arm represents wounds that resulted from an...
25 833,50 CZK
Simulaids® PHTLS Moulage Kit
Cat.n.: RB120-1161
This casualty simulation kit, with a focus on head and chest trauma,...
56 870,00 CZK
Xtreme Trauma Wound Kit 2
Cat.n.: RP120-0232
Xtreme 2 Trauma Moulage Kit
Created at the request of instructors,...
47 782,90 CZK
Deluxe Extreme Trauma Wound Kit
Cat.n.: RP120-0234
The Deluxe Xtreme Trauma Moulage Kit includes all of the wounds from...
104 640,80 CZK
Cat.n.: TC310-TTQ1000
The TruTourniquet has been designed to practise massive haemorrhage...
30 625,10 CZK