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Morchella elata

Cat.n.: ZB150-0448

Morchella esculenta

Cat.n.: ZB150-0442
PERS. ex ST.AMANS. Edible.
4 513,30 CZK

Morchella vulgaris

Cat.n.: ZB150-0509
Morchella vulgaris PERS. Edible.


Cat.n.: ZB150-0166
Anodonta cygnea, anatomical overview, right half of shell, of the...
89 733,60 CZK

Mycena pura

Cat.n.: ZB150-0493
(PERS. ex FR.) KUMM., edible.

Natrix tesselata, female

Cat.n.: ZB150-0233
Natrix tessellata, natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®.
21 961,50 CZK

Natsume Rat

Cat.n.: EM270-VET4230
We hope to contribute to a reduction in the number of experimental...


Cat.n.: ZB150-0203
Epidalea calamita (synonym: Bufo calamita), natural size, in...
12 995,40 CZK

Needle Leaf of the Austrian pine

Cat.n.: ZB150-0302
(cross and longitudinal sections) Pinus nigra, enlarged approximately...
27 660,60 CZK

Nose of Cow

Cat.n.: ZB150-0004
Natural size, modelled from a natural preparation. The model shows...

Nose-horned Viper

Cat.n.: ZB150-0238
(Sand Viper), female, Vipera a. ammodytes, natural size, in...
19 166,40 CZK

Oldenburg cart horse "Angra Pequena"

Cat.n.: ZB150-Zo 62/VI-2
Type of the Odenburger Wagenferde, Sute, 3 years old. 1/6 of the...

Open Collateral Vascular Bundle of a Dicotyle Plant

Cat.n.: ZB150-0303
enlarged approximately 550 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. After Prof. Dr. W....
10 248,70 CZK

Orang-Utan Skull

Cat.n.: ZB150-0059
Pongo pygmaeus (Hoppins 1763), male, Natural size, in SOMSO- PLAST®....
10 478,60 CZK

Orang-Utan Skull

Cat.n.: ZB150-0060
Pongo pygmaeus abelii (Clark 1826), female. Natural size, in...
10 006,70 CZK
