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Results 256 - 270 of 715
Kidneys of the Cow
Cat.n.: ZB150-0007
Natural size. With the inflowing and outflowing vessels, one kidney...
Ostpreußisch Holländische Herdbuch Kuh
Cat.n.: ZB150-0582
"Aurikel", 1/6 of natural size. 156134 by Poseidon (6587) and Sorge...
Cat.n.: ZB150-0578
"Bumble Kite" Shorhorn cow. 6 years old, 1/6 of natural size. Modeled...
Simmentaler Kuh
Cat.n.: ZB150-0581
Repräsentant des Fleckviehs der Schweiz. 1/6 der natürlichen Größe....
Female Genital Organs of the cow
Cat.n.: ZB150-0008
Cast from natural specimen. Horn of uterus and vagina open. In one...
Female Genital Organs of the Cow
Cat.n.: ZB150-0009
Natural size. Vagina detachable. Comprises 2 parts. On a stand and...
Slow Worm, female
Cat.n.: ZB150-ZoS 1026/2-1
female, with blue spots, which are very rare for this sex, Anguis f....
Model of a Female German Shepherd Dog
Cat.n.: ZB150-0172
2/3 natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Separates into two halves...
Marbled Newst, Male and Female
Cat.n.: ZB150-0240
male and female, in their aquatic form, Triturus marmoratus, natural...
Phyllobates Terribilis, female, cream/turquoise
Cat.n.: ZB150-1250
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...
Phyllobates Terribilis, female, yellow
Cat.n.: ZB150-1250/1
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...
Phyllobates Terribilis, female, orange
Cat.n.: ZB150-1250/2
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...
Dendrobates Tinctorius, female, blue/yellow/black
Cat.n.: ZB150-1252
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...