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Results 691 - 705 of 715
Rat Brain Comparative Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0211
The C29 model shows a rat brain in approx. 6-fold enlargement....
6 134,70 CZK
Landsberger Reinette
Cat.n.: 03/31
Landsberger Reinette
natural size, from papier maché.
3 980,90 CZK
Arthro Shoulder Complete Set
Cat.n.: 009-010-00
This arthroscopy simulator provides a realistic replica of the...
Injektion Modules Weany - Advantage Pack
Cat.n.: 007-025-00
These injection modules allow the lifelike training of intracardiac,...
IC (Intracardiac) Module Weany
Cat.n.: 007-024-00
Training euthanasia on a live animal is not possible and yet should...
IM Module Weany
Cat.n.: 007-022-00
IM Injection Training
With this injection module, intramuscular...
Castration Module Weany
Cat.n.: 007-021-00
Castration Module Weany
The castration module with integrated...
IM Module Castro
Cat.n.: 007-012-00
IM Injection Training
With this injection module, intramuscular...
Castro Castration Module
Cat.n.: 007-011-00
The soft castration module with the integrated testicles allows the...