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Results 181 - 195 of 409
Horse Foot and Hoof (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021051
Prepared, real, hind horse foot up to the tarsal joint. The...
10 043,00 CZK
Dendrobates Tinctorius, female
Cat.n.: ZB150-1252/1
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...
10 055,10 CZK
Chimpanzee Skull
Cat.n.: ZB150-0064
Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach 1799), female. Natural size, in...
10 321,30 CZK
Common Tree Frog, seldom light blue variety, Female
Cat.n.: ZB150-0207
female, normal posture, rare light blue morph, Hyla arborea, natural...
10 527,00 CZK
Orang-Utan Skull
Cat.n.: ZB150-0060
Pongo pygmaeus abelii (Clark 1826), female. Natural size, in...
10 684,30 CZK
Howling Monkey Skull
Cat.n.: ZB150-0068
Alouatta belzebul (Linnaeus, 1766) male. Natural size, in...
10 720,60 CZK
Chimpanzee Skull
Cat.n.: ZB150-0062
Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach 1799), male. Natural size, in...
10 793,20 CZK
Common Spadefoot
Cat.n.: ZB150-0200
Pelobates f. fuscus, natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®
10 877,90 CZK
Midwife Toad, Female
Cat.n.: ZB150-0197
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Female, Alytes o. obstetricans
10 950,50 CZK
Orang-Utan Skull
Cat.n.: ZB150-0059
Pongo pygmaeus (Hoppins 1763), male, Natural size, in SOMSO- PLAST®....
11 192,50 CZK
Domestic Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Female, Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021028
Skull specimen of a domestic sheep made of real bones. Typical for a...
11 325,60 CZK
Artificial Skull of a Chimpanzee
Cat.n.: ZB150-0071
Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach 1799), male. Natural size, in...
11 386,10 CZK
Pool Frog
Cat.n.: ZB150-0212
male - with dorsal stripe, Pelophylax lessonae, natural size, in...
11 422,40 CZK