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Results 2026 - 2040 of 3073
Plant cell model
Cat.n.: AM110-R05
The two piece plant cell model shows the structures of a typical...
9 099,20 CZK
Animal cell model
Cat.n.: AM110-R04
The two piece animal cell model shows the form and structure of a...
9 099,20 CZK
Human Skeleton of Leg with Foot, Wire Mounted - 3B Smart...
Cat.n.: AM110-1019359
For increased stability, the leg skeleton with foot is mounted on...
3 545,30 CZK
Anatomy Set Muscled Limbs
Cat.n.: AM110-0876
Arm: This muscled arm model illustrates both the superficial and...
27 370,20 CZK
DNA Double Helix Model, 12 Segments, miniDNA® Kit
Cat.n.: AM110-0874
· Simple differentiation of components by means...
1 681,90 CZK
Male Pelvis BPH Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0869
The Male Pelvis BPH model is near full size, mid-sagittal section...
4 694,80 CZK
Flexible Female Pelvis with Femur Heads
Cat.n.: AM110-0868
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
3 569,50 CZK
Flexible Female Pelvis
Cat.n.: AM110-0867
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
3 327,50 CZK
Pancreas Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0866
Full size pancreas model shows pancreatic cancer, the gallbladder...
3 267,00 CZK
Ten layer DNA model
Cat.n.: AM110-0864
This 10 layer DNA model consists of five 2-layer model kits that you...
19 735,10 CZK
1/2 Life-Size Complete Human Female Muscle Figure, without...
Cat.n.: AM110-0863
This female muscular figure displays human anatomy in a convenient...
77 500,50 CZK
Lung Set with Pathologies
Cat.n.: AM110-0861
Set of two separate full-size, two-sided lung models with four...
5 602,30 CZK
ORTHObones Standard Juvenile Femur, right
Cat.n.: AM110-0851
In addition to the well-known ORTHObones PREMIUM, the high-quality...
Metabolic Syndrome Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0847
The Metabolic Syndrome Model includes miniature brain, heart, kidney,...
7 647,20 CZK
4-Piece Diabetes Model
Cat.n.: AM110-0846
Four piece diabetes model indicating structures and organs with...