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E-shop offer

Lung Model with Larynx, 5 part

Cat.n.: AM110-0381
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
9 728,40 CZK

Functional Larynx, 3-times full size

Cat.n.: AM110-0380
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
8 276,40 CZK

Flexible Spine Model with Soft Intervertebral Discs

Cat.n.: AM110-0378
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
9 171,80 CZK

Head Musculature additionally with Nerves

Cat.n.: AM110-0376
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
9 268,60 CZK

Head Musculature Model with Blood Vessels - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0375
Representation of the superficial musculature with: • Parotid...
10 151,90 CZK

Head Musculature

Cat.n.: AM110-0374
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models: Free warranty...
7 272,10 CZK

MRI Torso, 15 Transverse Sections

Cat.n.: AM110-0369
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
140 928,70 CZK

Life size Muscle Torso Model, 27 part

Cat.n.: AM110-0368
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
135 241,70 CZK

Life size Male Muscular Figure, 37-part

Cat.n.: AM110-0367
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
225 677,10 CZK

Tongue Model, 2.5 times Life-Size, 4 part

Cat.n.: AM110-0366
This tongue model shows the lower jaw up to the second molar, the...
6 304,10 CZK

Acupuncture Ears, Set for 10 Students

Cat.n.: AM110-0347
These original-sized replicas of the human auricula (ear concha)...

2 Acupuncture Ears

Cat.n.: AM110-0345
These slightly larger than life-size replicas of the human auricula...

Hollow Foot (Pes Cavus)

Cat.n.: AM110-0324
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
2 976,60 CZK

Flat Foot (Pes Planus)

Cat.n.: AM110-0323
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
2 976,60 CZK

Normal Foot

Cat.n.: AM110-0322
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
2 976,60 CZK
