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Results 1471 - 1485 of 3050

Lactarius helvus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0416
FR., poisonous!

Lactarius fuliginosus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0433
Lactarius fuliginosus FR. Edible
4 948,90 CZK

Lacerta viridis, female

Cat.n.: ZB150-0225
female (half-grown), Lacerta viridis, natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®.
17 799,10 CZK

Lacerta viridis

Cat.n.: ZB150-0224
male, Lacerta viridis, natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®
19 009,10 CZK

Lacerta agilis. Misure dell'astuccio

Cat.n.: ZB150-0228
male, Outside the mating season, Lacerta a. agilis, natural size, in...
22 748,00 CZK

Laccaria amethystina

Cat.n.: ZB150-0370
(BOLT. ex HOOKER) MURR., edible

Labyrinth with Ossicles and Tympanic Membrane

Cat.n.: EM270-E339
4 077,70 CZK

Labyrinth with Ossicles and Tympanic Membrane

Cat.n.: AM150-0105
Enlarged approximately 4 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. The model clearly...
17 194,10 CZK


Cat.n.: AM150-0104
Enlarged approximately 18 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. The superior...
18 488,80 CZK


Cat.n.: AM150-0103
Enlarged approximately 18 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. The superior...
16 201,90 CZK

Labor Stages Model

Cat.n.: AM110-0399
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
12 838,10 CZK

Kuňka obecná (Bombina bombina

Cat.n.: ZB150-0199
Bombina bombina. Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß,...
9 147,60 CZK

Kundts Tube

Cat.n.: 1000814
Glass tube for demonstrating standing sound waves and calculating...
3 230,70 CZK

Kundt's Tube E

Cat.n.: 1017341
Electronic switch which outputs an electrical pulse to a connected...
5 215,10 CZK

Kuehneromyces mutabilis

Cat.n.: ZB150-0353
(SCHFF. ex FR.) SING. et SM. Edible.
4 791,60 CZK
