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IM Module Castro

Cat.n.: 007-012-00
IM Injection Training With this injection module, intramuscular...


Cat.n.: EM270-VET4070
Even animals have nerve cells to indicate pain or discomfort and...
5 723,30 CZK

Illumination Equipment “Photosynthesis”

Cat.n.: 1013528
The illumination equipment serves as a source of light and a stand...
5 469,20 CZK

IC (Intracardiac) Module Weany

Cat.n.: 007-024-00
Training euthanasia on a live animal is not possible and yet should...

Hypoloma sublateritium

Cat.n.: ZB150-0340
(FR.) QUÉL., indigestible.

Hypholoma fasciculare

Cat.n.: ZB150-0365
(HUDS. ex FR.) KUMM. Poisonous.

Hypholoma capnoides

Cat.n.: ZB150-0467
(FR. ex FR.) KUMM. Edible.

Hypertension Set

Cat.n.: AM110-0844
The Hypertension Set includes a miniature brain, eye, heart, kidney...
6 812,30 CZK

Hypertension Chart

Cat.n.: 1001532
This colorful anatomical chart presents useful information about...


Cat.n.: 4006683
This colorful anatomical chart presents useful information about...

Hyoid Bone

Cat.n.: AM150-0354
Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece.
544,50 CZK

Hygrpcybe psittacina

Cat.n.: ZB150-0398
(SCHFF. ex FR.) WÜNSCHE. Edible.

Hygrophorus hypothejus

Cat.n.: ZB150-0496
Hygrophorus hypothejus (FR. ex FR.) FR. Edible.

Hygrophoropsis Aurantiaca

Cat.n.: ZB150-0339
(WULF. ex FR.) R. MRE. Edible, but of inferior quality.
4 791,60 CZK

Hygrocybe conica

Cat.n.: ZB150-0458
Hygrocybe conica (SCOP. ex FR.) KUMM. Edible.
