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Artery sections (4) (oversized) - with Handle

Cat.n.: AM110-0810
Four-stage cross-section of an artery demonstrating atherosclerosis...
3 133,90 CZK

Artery sections (4) (oversized) - with Handle

Cat.n.: AM110-0808
3-Mini Heart Model set. Normal heart anatomy; myocardial infarction...
4 912,60 CZK

Artery model

Cat.n.: EM270-G241
Longitudinal section of an artery with constriction caused by plaque...
1 560,90 CZK

Artery Model

Cat.n.: AM110-0809
Artery Model features an oversized “Y” section of artery, with...
3 133,90 CZK

Artery and Veins

Cat.n.: AM150-0169
Enlarged many times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. The model has been made after a...
45 012,00 CZK

Artery and vein model, 20 times life-size

Cat.n.: EM270-G142
An important support for understanding the difference between artery...
5 021,50 CZK

Arteriosclerosis Model, with Cross Section of Artery, 2...

Cat.n.: AM110-0257
With the help of this artery model doctors can explain changes in the...
2 286,90 CZK

Arteriosclerosis Model, 4 sections

Cat.n.: EM270-G265
Cross section of an artery showing 4 different stages of...
1 766,60 CZK

Arteries of head

Cat.n.: EM270-C130
This model shows the pathway of the left external carotid artery,...
4 259,20 CZK

Armillariella mellea

Cat.n.: ZB150-0352
(VAHL ex FR.) KARST. Edible.
5 178,80 CZK

Armillariella Mellea

Cat.n.: ZB150-0314
Armillaria mellea (VAHL ex FR.) P. KUMM. Group showing 6 different...
7 502,00 CZK

Arm with burns task trainer

Cat.n.: EM270-X1100
This life-size replica of a real human arm is made of skin-like...
38 163,40 CZK


Cat.n.: EM270-M211
This life size model shows the musculature oft he human arm in...
9 377,50 CZK


Cat.n.: 1021647
The device for Archimedes' Principle is used to demonstrate...
2 299,00 CZK

Arched Foot

Cat.n.: AM150-0242
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the anatomical structure and...
7 756,10 CZK
