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Results 2596 - 2610 of 3073
Deluxe Muscle Arm,life size, 6part
Cat.n.: AM110-0316
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
27 672,70 CZK
Head and Neck Musculature Model, 5 part - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0195
Representation of the superficial musculature and deep muscles,...
27 709,00 CZK
Models of Vertebrate Brains
Cat.n.: ZB150-0086
In SOMSO-PLAST®. The series consists of the following 8 models (some...
27 733,20 CZK
Model of a Liver Cell
Cat.n.: AM150-0181
Enlarged many times, in special transparent plastic. After an...
27 890,50 CZK
Development of Hat Fungi
Cat.n.: ZB150-0516
natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Submitted to Dr. rer. nat. A. Meixner,...
27 914,70 CZK
Cat.n.: EM270-VET3020
Our animal bone specimens are made by well-known taxidermists in...
27 926,80 CZK
Canine Venipuncture & Injection Trainer
Cat.n.: EM270-VET2580
Canine Hindlimb Advanced Model for Phlebotomy.
The simulation model...
27 963,10 CZK
Model of Brain in 15 Parts
Cat.n.: AM150-0065
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®, after Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. h.c. J....
28 023,60 CZK
Model of the Anatomy of a Bony Fish
Cat.n.: ZB150-0152
The model is that of a male mirror carp - Cyprinus carpio. In...
28 035,70 CZK
Transparent model nose
Cat.n.: EM270-LM05
Using this transparent model, it is possible to understand at a...
28 132,50 CZK
Goose Skeleton (Anser anser domesticus), Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021033
Prepared, real skeleton of an adult domestic goose. Even the smallest...
28 193,00 CZK
Heart on Diaphragm, 3 times life size, 10 part
Cat.n.: AM110-0383
This detailed heart depicts the structures of the diaphragm (= base)....
28 229,30 CZK
Cat.n.: AM150-0170
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. This model very...
28 277,70 CZK
Lumbar spinal Column - with Innervation
Cat.n.: AM150-0420
Natural SOMSO-Plast® cast after PD Dr. med. H. R. Henche of...
28 277,70 CZK
Chloroplast of Higher Plant
Cat.n.: ZB150-0291
Enlarged approximately 60,000 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. After Prof. Dr....
28 362,40 CZK