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E-shop offer

Life-size Dual Sex Torso with Muscle Arm, 33-part - 3B...

Cat.n.: AM110-0186
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
141 570,00 CZK

Child skeleton 14 to 16 months old

Cat.n.: EM270-2870
First class cast of a real human child skeleton. All Fissures and...
143 711,70 CZK

TruBaby X Lite

Cat.n.: TC310-TBL10001X
Our pediatric clinical skills training model is ideal for nurses...
143 772,20 CZK

Bovine Cow skeleton (Bos taurus), without horns,...

Cat.n.: 1020975
Complete and non-assembled skeleton bones without pre-drilling. Ideal...
146 978,70 CZK

European Crayfish or Noble Crayfish

Cat.n.: ZB150-0165
Astacus astacus, body structure and anatomy of a male crayfish....
147 123,90 CZK

Ultrasonic Continuous Wave Generator with Probe

Cat.n.: 1002576
Ultrasonic continuous wave generator for producing continuous,...
147 486,90 CZK

Domestic Sheep Skeleton (Ovis aries), Female, Specimen

Cat.n.: 1021024
Prepared, real skeleton of a domestic sheep consisting of...
154 371,80 CZK

Torso with Head and Interchangeable Male and Female...

Cat.n.: AM150-0007
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 20 parts: eye with...
164 354,30 CZK

Domestic Pig Skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), Female,...

Cat.n.: 1020996
Prepared, real skeleton of an adult domestic pig consisting of...
167 524,50 CZK

Complete Fundamentals

Cat.n.: FM9458
This full set of equipment allows students to understand the...
172 003,92 CZK

X-Ray Phantom Lower Arm, opaque

Cat.n.: EM270-7225
This X-Ray part phantom gives the unique opportunity to take x-ray...
181 052,30 CZK


Cat.n.: EM270-VET4020
Critical Care Jerry is engineered as a complete emergency room...
181 899,30 CZK

THORAXIS Thoracic Neuraxial Simulator

Cat.n.: EM270-R66700
The THORAXIS Thoracic Neuraxial Simulator is the ideal training...
185 093,70 CZK

Domestic Sheep Skeleton (Ovis aries), Male, Specimen

Cat.n.: 1021025
Prepared, real skeleton of a domestic sheep consisting of...
185 589,80 CZK

3/4 Life-Size Female Human Muscle Model without Internal...

Cat.n.: AM110-0188
This female Muscle Figure provides the same quality characteristics...
185 771,30 CZK
