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Model of the Carcass of a Bullock
Catalog number: ZB150-0171
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20 Kg
1/2 of its natural size, made from special plastic. Developed in collaboration with the Bavarian Institute for Animal Breeding in Grub near Munich. The model shows the left half of the carcass of a young fattening bull that was slaughtered when it weighed 560 kg and was 15 months old. Special features are the full thick flank, the broad back and the well-developed muscles in the shoulder. The carcass is evenly covered in a thin layer of surface fat. The model has been modelled in compliance with the method of cutting recommended by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and separates into 12 parts. The essential parts of the carcass (suet and pelvic cavity fat with kidney, fillet, shank, haunch, roast beef, fore rib, hind quarter flank (front and rear part), chuck & blade, thin rib, brisket,shoulder, shin, and neck) can be demonstrated individually. On stand with base.