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img2745 Kojenec: TruBaby X

TruBaby X

Catalog number: TC310-TB10001X
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 6 Kg
Price incl. VAT217 558,00 CZK
Description Our pediatric clinical skills training model is ideal for anesthetists, nurses & other pediatric emergency medical professionals practicing Directly Observed Practical Skills (DOPS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and critical emergency medicine including infant airway management and more.

TruBaby X is incredibly lifelike with the appearance, weight, size and movement of a 5-month-old infant.

This manikin is also available in a dark skin tone.

Model Features
Realistic & durable AirSim X airway with a 5-year warranty
Realistic movement including head tilt, chin lift & jaw thrust
Interchangeable head in case of repairs
Realistic rib structures including xiphoid process & clavicle
Palpable landmarks in the 2nd intercostal space midclavicular line & 5th intercostal space mid-axillary line
Palpable vertebrae landmarks
Lumbar puncture can be practiced at L3-L4 & L4-L5 spine locations
Proximal tibia interosseous needle insertion site
Contains tibial tuberosity anatomy & patella anatomy
Realistic anatomy to practice inserting catheter tube to extract urine
Option for interchangeable male and female genitalia
Fully enclosed fluid management system giving realistic blood flashback & flow
Allows needle cannulation at various locations in hand, arm & foot with realistic blood flashback
Realistic look & feel of tissues
Lifelike responsiveness during procedure training
Set-up time is less than 5 minutes

Medical Procedure Training
Airway management
Peripheral venous cannulation (arm, hand, foot)
Lumbar puncture
Needle thoracentesis for tension pneumothorax (2nd & 5th intercostal space)
Chest drain (air only)
Intraosseous (IO) infusion (tibia)
Urethral catheterization

Package Contents
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X Arm (TBARML01/TBARMR01)
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X Leg (TBLEGL01/TBLEGR01)
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X needle decompression inserts (TBND04)
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X chest drain inserts (TBCD04)
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X IO inserts (TBIO20)
1 TruBaby X lumbar puncture insert (TBLUM04)
1 TruBaby X female genitalia insert (TBUI01F)

Additional package contents:
1 TruBaby X carrier case
100ml bottle of TruCorp lubrication (TL001)
250ml bottle of artificial blood concentrate (CVB250)
1 syringe with yellow and white tubing for fluid insertion/removal throughout model
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X needle decompression inserts (TBND04)
1 left & 1 right TruBaby X chest drain inserts (TBCD04)
3 left & 3 right IO inserts (TBIO20)
1 TruBaby X lumbar puncture insert (TBLUM04)
1 TruBaby X male genitalia insert (TBUI01M)
Delivered in durable carry case for easy transportation & safe storage

Weight: approx. 5.5Kg (12.1 lb) (full shipment package weight approx. 10kg/22lb.
Product dimensions: 62 x 22 x 12cm (24.4 x 8.7 x 4.7 in.
Full shipment dimensions: 79 x 45 x 28cm (35.9 x 20.5 x 12.7 in.)
