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img2061 Mechanika MATRIX: Linear and Rotational Dynamics

Linear and Rotational Dynamics

Catalog number: HP5099
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 5 Kg
Description This kit includes a dynamics track, handheld datalogger with LCD screen, and a range of sensors and accessories
that allow students and teachers to carry out a range of experiments in dynamics. The datalogger can be used
independently of a PC for many experiments with data automatically passed to Excel for further analysis.
The datalogger has a VGA output which makes the equipment perfect for classroom demonstrations. The
equipment is supplied with a suite of worksheets and teacher support material.
Learning objectives / experiments:
• Parameters of kinetics: displacement,
velocity, acceleration
• Equations of motion
• Parameters of dynamics: inertia,
acceleration, force, momentum, mechanical
work and power
• Newton’s laws of motion, conservation of
momentum and energy
• Linear and angular motion
• Rotational dynamics
• Simple harmonic motion
