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img2743 Mechanika MATRIX: Pin Jointed Frameworks

Pin Jointed Frameworks

Catalog number: ST6365
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 5 Kg
Description This kit allows students to apply loads in different places on the pin joint framework to explore the tension
and compression forces within each structure member. 6 load cells on each of the 6 structure members is
connected directly to an LCD display for the output and to the USB inference for data acquisition.
Zero buttons next to the LCD display allows for student to zero the load cell output and setup the experiment
each time.
Two hanging positions allow for students to explore the idea of redundancy in frameworks and how load is
transmitted though the system. A magnetic pulley allows for students to applied angles loads as well.
Students will learn to analysis the structure members using method of joints and method of sections, while
using bow’s notation.

Learning objectives / experiments:
• Method of joints
• Method of sections
• Bow notation’s
• Principle of superposition for
multiple loads redundancy
