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img2060 Mechanika MATRIX: Thermodynamics Kit

Thermodynamics Kit

Catalog number: HP4159
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 5 Kg
Description This kit allows engineering students to carry out a wide range of practical experiments in Thermodynamics
to help them understand the temperature related behaviour of mechanical systems. The kit includes
experimental apparatus including metal blocks with heating elements, linear rods with heaters, Leslie cube
and Jolly bulb. The kit also includes measuring instruments such as digital thermometers, energy meter, and
infrared thermometer. A downloadable manual covers all experiments and includes teacher’s notes. A unique
feature of the kit is that all the experiments can be completed just with electricity as the heat source – no
Bunsen burner is required.
Learning objectives / experiments:
• Heat capacity of liquids
• Heat capacity of solids
• Linear expansion of heat
• Heat absorption
• Heat radiation
• Expansion of gases – Charles’ law
• Boyle’s law
