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img136 Nervous system,circulatory sys: Spinal Cord Model 5 times life size 3B Smart Anatomy

Spinal Cord Model 5 times life size 3B Smart Anatomy

Catalog number: AM110-0491
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 0.5 Kg
Price incl. VAT6 171,00 CZK
Description To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B Smart Anatomy model online. All 3B Smart Anatomy features are completely free of charge for you. Read more about the concept of "Virtual meets Reality" developed by 3B Scientific for you to make learning human anatomy even more effective across all media.

The Spinal cord model illustrates the composition of the spinal cord, magnified to a scale of about 5:1. The spinal cord is formed by a central channel surrounded by "gray matter" with an outer layer of "white matter". The base of the model features illustrations of the various cross-sections of the spinal cord through the white and gray matter at the neck, torso and lumbar and sacral regions. The Spinal Cord Model with Nerve Endings is supplied on a base.

Great for teaching anatomy of the human nervous syste
