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Experiment: Electron spin resonance (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 8000720
Objective: Demonstrate electron spin resonance in DPPH Electron...

Experiment: Electron Diffraction (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 8000704
Objective: Observe the diffraction of electrons on polycrystalline...

Experiment Set “Photosynthesis”

Cat.n.: 1012864
Experiment Topics · When do water plants produce oxygen? · ...
3 569,50 CZK

Experiment Motor with Gearbox

Cat.n.: 1021806
Portable microprocessor-controlled device with quartz-controlled time...

Equipment Set “Stereophonic Hearing”

Cat.n.: 1018551
Experiment Topics: · Directions of sound · ...
4 948,90 CZK

Equipment Set “Sound Propagation in Rods” (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 1018469
Experiment Topics: · Speed of propagation of sound pulses in...
14 132,80 CZK

Equipment Set for Powder Tracing

Cat.n.: 1000739
Plotting Movements in a Plane Using Powder Tracing A plotting...
8 215,90 CZK

Equipment Set "Ultrasound in Solids"

Cat.n.: 1002584
Equipment kit for the investigation of the propagation of...
15 379,10 CZK

Electromotor and Generator, complete

Cat.n.: ZT110-1017801
In plastic housing with 4-mm safety...
11 204,60 CZK

Electromagnetic Launch Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1019300
Used along with a catapult assembled from a fork and rubber band...
6 618,70 CZK

Electric Doorbell

Cat.n.: 1003170
Bell for demonstrating electro-magnetic operation of apparatus and...
4 138,20 CZK

EK Ultrasonic Waves (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 1016651
Note: The 1014529 SEK Ultrasonic Waves is for operation with a mains...
24 998,60 CZK

Dynamometers for Demonstrating Hooke‘s Law

Cat.n.: 1003109
Device for confirmation of Hooke's Law and determining the spring...
1 911,80 CZK

Dynamometer with Round Dial, 5 N

Cat.n.: 1009740
Spring dynamometer for experiment demonstrations. Grooved pulley on...
2 432,10 CZK

Dynamometer with Round Dial, 2 N

Cat.n.: 1009739
Spring dynamometer for experiment demonstrations. Grooved pulley on...
2 432,10 CZK
