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img1129 Spine: Vertebral column for demonstration of malpositions

Vertebral column for demonstration of malpositions

Catalog number: EM270-4017
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 6 Kg
Price incl. VAT12 838,10 CZK
Description Vertebral column for demonstration of malpositions with pelvis and femoral stumps. Femoral movements at the hip joint can be imitated in this model. The femurs can be raised and lowered respectively and unilateral shortening of the leg and the resulting pelvic inclination can be simulated. How this is compensated in the pelvis and vertebral column can be shown in the model. Specially suited to physiotherapy and massage training and also for orthopaedics as a demonstration model. Easily removed from stand.

Size: 78 cm, Weight: 4.8 kg
