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img331 Torsos: MRI Torso, 15 Transverse Sections

MRI Torso, 15 Transverse Sections

Catalog number: AM110-0369
Product availability: Delivery date HERE
Weight: 20 Kg
Price incl. VAT140 928,70 CZK
Description To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B Smart Anatomy model online. All 3B Smart Anatomy features are completely free of charge for you. Read more about the concept of "Virtual meets Reality" developed by 3B Scientific for you to make learning human anatomy even more effective across all media.

This unique MRI torso is horizontally sectioned into 15 slices, giving a distinctive view of human anatomy. The topographical relationships of the torso are represented as colored reliefs on the individual sectional planes.

For a closer study of the internal anatomy of the torso, each disc can be shifted horizontally and rotated around its sagittal axis. Each disc within the MRI torso can be individually removed. The results are a brand new understanding of human anatomy that is both interesting and engaging for students. This MRI torso is a great addition to any medical or biology classroom!
