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Anatomical models

Results 961 - 975 of 1892

Reconstruction of Femur of Homo neanderthalensis

Cat.n.: AM150-0440
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Feldhofer Cave, Neander...
9 728,40 CZK

Reconstruction of the Skull of Homo sapiens

Cat.n.: AM150-0441
In SOMSO-Plast®. As an example of the Cromagnon man we have taken a...
12 354,10 CZK

Reconstruction of a Skull of Australopithecus africanus

Cat.n.: AM150-0442
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Sterkfontein (Transvaal,...
11 809,60 CZK

Reconstruction of the Skull of Proconsul africanus

Cat.n.: AM150-0443
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Rusinga Island, Kenya,...
10 345,50 CZK

Reconstruction of the Pelvis of Australopithecus africanus

Cat.n.: AM150-0444
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Sterkfontein, Republic of...
21 671,10 CZK

Lower Jaw from Mauer, Homo heidelbergensis

Cat.n.: AM150-0445
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of find: Mauer (south-east of...
4 101,90 CZK

The Steinheim Skull Homo heidelbergensis

Cat.n.: AM150-0446
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Steinheim an der Murr...
8 107,00 CZK

Model of Brain Stem in 12 parts

Cat.n.: AM150-0449
Modelled according to nature, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Brain stem from the...
30 020,10 CZK

Model of the Female Sexual Organs

Cat.n.: AM150-0450
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Developed in co-operation with...
34 472,90 CZK

Surgical Hand Model

Cat.n.: AM150-0452
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast® and developed with Dr. Niels Benatar....
55 430,10 CZK

Artificial Human Skull

Cat.n.: AM150-0454
As QS 7, but without teeth (skull of an old man). Separates into 3...

Artificial Human Skull

Cat.n.: AM150-0455
developed in co-operation with Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Schmidt and...
23 401,40 CZK

Artificial Human Skull

Cat.n.: AM150-0456
developed in co-operation with Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Schmidt and...
30 467,80 CZK

Artificial Temporal Bone

Cat.n.: AM150-0458
Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast®. The opened tympanic cavity shows the...
16 383,40 CZK

Male Muscle Figure

Cat.n.: AM150-0615
About 3/4 natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Separates into 36 parts:...
