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Anatomical models
Results 946 - 960 of 1892
Hernia of Central Intervertebral Disc
Cat.n.: AM150-0424
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Prolapse of the pulpous nucleus,...
3 569,50 CZK
First Lumbar Vertebra with Intervertebral Discs and Dorsal...
Cat.n.: AM150-0425
In natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The spinal cord with spinal nerves...
5 808,00 CZK
Central and Dorsolateral Hernia of Intervertebral Disc
Cat.n.: AM150-0426
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae with...
4 549,60 CZK
Model of Hernia of Intervertebral Disc
Cat.n.: AM150-0427
According to Dr. Lie. Life-size, in SOMOS-Plast. Presentation of...
6 400,90 CZK
The Three Auditory Ossicles
Cat.n.: AM150-0428
Cast from natural specimen 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast®. Malleus, incus and...
3 291,20 CZK
The Three Auditory Ossicles
Cat.n.: AM150-0429
Natural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast®. Malleus, Incus and Stapes...
3 170,20 CZK
Artificial Bony Labyrinth
Cat.n.: AM150-0430
Cast from natural specimen 1:1, in SOMSO-Plast®. The labyrinth is...
3 763,10 CZK
The Three Auditory Ossicles with Bony Labyrinth
Cat.n.: AM150-0431
Natural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast. Under "Plexiglas cover". Can be...
4 634,30 CZK
Reconstruction of the Skull of Paranthropus boisei
Cat.n.: AM150-0433
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania,...
18 791,30 CZK
Reconstruction of the Skull of Homo ergaster (KNM-ER 3733)
Cat.n.: AM150-0435
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Koobi Fora, East Turkana...
13 491,50 CZK
Reconstruction of Femur of Homo erectus (Trinil 3)
Cat.n.: AM150-0436
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Trinil, Java, Indonesia,...
9 450,10 CZK
Reconstruction of Femur of Homo ergaster
Cat.n.: AM150-0437
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Koobi Fora, Kenya,...
9 450,10 CZK
Reconstruction of the Skull of Homo neanderthalensis
Cat.n.: AM150-0438
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: La Chapelle aux Saints...
12 596,10 CZK
Reconstruction of the Skull of Homo habilis (O.H. 24)
Cat.n.: AM150-0439
In SOMSO-Plast®. Site and date of finding: Olduvai Gorge, region DK...
12 124,20 CZK