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Results 2221 - 2235 of 3073
Lancelet Cross Section through the Branchia and middle...
Cat.n.: ZB150-0110
Enlarged approximately 150 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. In one piece. On a...
14 023,90 CZK
Cricothyrotomy and Tracheostomy Trainer „Frankfurt“
Cat.n.: EM270- R67110
This universal trainer facilitates the training of Cricothyrotomy as...
14 036,00 CZK
Cat.n.: AM150-0088
Enlarged approx. 5 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned horizontally....
14 084,40 CZK
Equipment Set “Sound Propagation in Rods” (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
Cat.n.: 1018469
Experiment Topics:
· Speed of propagation of sound pulses in...
14 132,80 CZK
Brain Section Model with Medial and Sagittal Cuts
Cat.n.: AM110-0461
This brain model is an enlarged and very detailed section through the...
14 157,00 CZK
Situs of the Base of the Skull
Cat.n.: AM150-0026
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the dura mater, the 12 pairs...
14 205,40 CZK
Movements of Muscles in the Upper Arm
Cat.n.: AM150-0404
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The muscles of the upper arm are of a...
14 278,00 CZK
Force Table
Cat.n.: 1000694
Equipment for quantitative investigation of the combination and...
14 290,10 CZK
Internal Female Genital Organs
Cat.n.: AM150-0231
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Uterus shown with bladder and ovaries....
14 411,10 CZK
Cat.n.: ZB150-0104
Developed in co-operation with Prof. Dr. H.P. Jennissen, Dr. M. Laub...
14 411,10 CZK
Dual Sex Urinary System, 6 part - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0290
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
14 483,70 CZK
Bone structure model, 500 times life size
Cat.n.: EM270-A92
Depicting a fragment of compact bone about the size of a pinhead...
14 520,00 CZK
Pine, Female
Cat.n.: ZB150-0285
Pinus sylvestris, inflorescence enlarged approximately 20 times, seed...
14 568,40 CZK