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E-shop offer

Equipment Set "Ultrasound in Solids"

Cat.n.: 1002584
Equipment kit for the investigation of the propagation of...
15 379,10 CZK

Model of female breast - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: AM110-0617
This Model of the Female Breast by 3B Scientific® is a truly valuable...
15 379,10 CZK

Model of Brain Stem in 8 parts

Cat.n.: AM150-0067
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. After Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. h.c. J....
15 415,40 CZK

3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 5 Models - 3B Smart...

Cat.n.: AM110-0303
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
15 427,50 CZK


Cat.n.: EM270-4018
Specially developed for Zilgrei training, but also suitable for...
15 439,60 CZK

Torsion Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1018550
Measurement apparatus for investigating torsion as applied to bars...
15 500,10 CZK

Luxury demonstration Children‘s skull

Cat.n.: EM270-4810
15 500,10 CZK

Development of a Set of Teeth

Cat.n.: AM150-0122
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Shows the upper and lower jaw of a...
15 536,40 CZK

Dendrobates Tinctorius "Azureus"

Cat.n.: ZB150-0539
Natural size in SOMSO-Plast®. After Christian Groß, Head of Biology...
15 548,50 CZK

Magnetic Stirrer

Cat.n.: 1002808
Ultra-flat magnetic stirrer with non-wearing drive featuring no...
15 560,60 CZK

Decubitus Treatment Simulator

Cat.n.: EM270-R10026
This model of a human buttock shows first-, second-, and third-degree...
15 560,60 CZK

Artificial Human Skull

Cat.n.: AM150-288
Natural cast, in SOMSO-Plast®. As QS 7/1, but showing the areas of...
15 572,70 CZK


Cat.n.: AM150-0059
Natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Median section. Right half separates...
15 657,40 CZK

Liver and Gall Bladder

Cat.n.: AM150-0177
Enlarged approximately 1 1/2 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®. Open from the...
15 693,70 CZK
