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E-shop offer

Foot of a horse as model - Model 1

Cat.n.: EM270-VET4400
Derived from CT and MR co-registered data, anatomically accurate and...
35 816,00 CZK

Fetus Skeleton, 30. week

Cat.n.: EM270-2850
First class actual cast of a real human Fetus skeleton in the 30th...
35 900,70 CZK

Frank Collingwood - SimMan Facial Overlay

Cat.n.: MM312
Most realistic and practical silicone face to transform your sim-man...
35 900,70 CZK

Louise - SimMan Facial Overlay

Cat.n.: MM350
The most realistic and practical silicone face to transform your...
35 900,70 CZK

Loes Brunswijk - SimMan Facial Overlay

Cat.n.: MM351
The most realistic and practical silicone face to transform your...
35 900,70 CZK

Neurovasculärer Schädel mit Gehirn

Cat.n.: EM270-4610
The three part skull shows the main skull nerves and arteries. The...
36 045,90 CZK

Model of the Male Sexual Organs

Cat.n.: AM150-0680
Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Developed in co-operation with...
36 203,20 CZK

Dog skeleton (Canis lupus familiaris), size L,...

Cat.n.: 1020993
Complete and non-assembled skeleton bones without pre-drilling. Ideal...
36 300,00 CZK

Buttercup, Flower and Fruit

Cat.n.: ZB150-0280
Ranuculus acer, flower, enlarged approximately 10 times, fruit...
36 457,30 CZK

Heart with Conducting System

Cat.n.: AM150-0153
Approximately twice natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned so that...
36 638,80 CZK

Hermann’s Tortoise, Male

Cat.n.: ZB150-0217
male, Testudo hermanni boettgeri, natural size, in SOMSO-PLAST®.
36 735,60 CZK


Cat.n.: EM270-VET4080
Elegantly simple – this model is built for performing proper...
36 880,80 CZK

Anatomical Structure of Pine Wood

Cat.n.: ZB150-0300
Pinus sylvestris, enlarged approximately 350 times, in SOMSO-PLAST®....
36 892,90 CZK

Advanced Military Casualty Simulation Kit

Cat.n.: OS120-0056A
The Advanced Military Kit has Wounds selected to emulate ballistic...
36 905,00 CZK
