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E-shop offer

Orangutan Skull (Pongo pygmaeus), Male, Replica

Cat.n.: 1001300
Primate skulls particular suitable for comparative studies. With...
8 022,30 CZK

Chimpanzee Skull (Pan troglodytes), Female. Replica

Cat.n.: 1001299
Primate skulls particular suitable for comparative studies. With...
7 223,70 CZK

Replica Australopithecus Boisei Skull (KNM-ER 406 + Omo...

Cat.n.: 1001298
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
5 771,70 CZK

Replica Homo rhodesiensis Skull (Broken Hilly Woodward)

Cat.n.: 1001297
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
5 771,70 CZK

Replica Homo steinheimnensis Skull (Berkhemer, 1936)

Cat.n.: 1001296
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
5 771,70 CZK

Replica Homo Sapiens Skull (Crô-Magnon)

Cat.n.: 1001295
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
5 771,70 CZK

Replica Homo Neanderthalensis Skull (La Chapelle-aux-Saints...

Cat.n.: 1001294
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
6 304,10 CZK

Replica Homo Erectus Pekinensis Skull (Weidenreich, 1940)

Cat.n.: 1001293
3B Scientific's range of anthropological skulls has been newly...
5 771,70 CZK

5 stage birth process model - 3B Smart Anatomy

Cat.n.: 1001258
Anatomical representation of human birth. 5 stages of the birthing...

Set of Weights 100 g to 2000 g

Cat.n.: 1001052
Set of Weights Weights with suspension hooks Scope of delivery: 1...
12 112,10 CZK

Motor, 12 V DC

Cat.n.: 1001041
Apparatus for demonstrating transverse standing waves on a rope and...
7 865,00 CZK

Laser Reflection Sensor

Cat.n.: 1001034
Sensor for triggering the 3B NETlog™ unit (U11300) or a digital...

Digital Counter (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 1001033
Digital counter/timer for measuring duration of motion, transition...
16 117,20 CZK

SEK Power Supply (115 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 1000997
AC/DC power supply for SEK electricity and magnetism kit (1008532 /...

dditional Coil for Tesla Transformer

Cat.n.: 1000967
AC/DC power supply for SEK electricity and magnetism kit (1008532 /...
